Un:seen Vol. II

Poster and motion for a tender yet fierce party

Create promotional material for a DJ and art collective.

Concept, graphic design, illustration, motion design

Un:seen is a fierce femme*- and POC-centric DJ and art collective. Their second party encourages people to be radically vulberable.

Made up of artists from underrepresented groups, the Un:seen folks strive to move away from the periphery and claim their rightful space on the dance-floor. For their second edition, they wished to approach empowerment through Radical Vulnerability.

In Berlin’s Techno scene (and in the electronic music scene in general), the aesthetic is mostly quite gritty and black & white. Even in 2019, there are hardly femme*-centred spaces. This project’s theme seemed like a perfect opportunity to counter that. I chose Playfair Display Italic for its open-sourceness and its beautiful soft curves, and based on that, created a key visual that plays on the mystique inherent in Techno and on Un:seen’s name - where underrepresented folks who are usually hidden from sight become seen.

I believe that internalised misogyny and Femmephobia are too common as phenomenona. Even in queer spaces things that are considered feminine are often looked down on. Under capitalism, we are taught that the less tenderness and vulnerability we show, the more we are rewarded. Womxn are taught, similarly, that in order to step up in capitalism, they have to adopt masculine traits and abandon traditionally feminine ones. Un:seen is lead by fierce womxn, who are not ashamed of their femininity. I think no one should be. The purple and pink tones in this project are a celebration of that (and of my newfound love for colors.)
