Dion de Rossi
Flyers and business cards for a queer sexological bodyworkerBrief
Create a visual identity, business cards and flyers for a sexological bodyworker.
Concept, graphic design, illustration, web design. Photography by Nat Portnoy
Create a visual identity, business cards and flyers for a sexological bodyworker.
Concept, graphic design, illustration, web design. Photography by Nat Portnoy
Dion de Rossi is a sex and intimacy coach, bodyworker, educator and sexwitch. They are committed to creating work that inspires others to explore their desires, bodies and sexualities.
When Dion asked me to work with them, I was thrilled. I was already immersed in the world of sex positivity and sexual empowerment and gained so much from the work of pleasure activists like Dion, so I was ready to give something back.

Dion equipped me with beautiful, soft-but-bold photos taken by Nat Portnoy, and instructions to be “femme and playful.” I matched the photos’ vibe in color and in atmosphere, and chose Salomé for Dion’s logo, for that ‘70s erotic novel vibe. I reformatted the flyer text I was given as a sexier variation of a consent form.

Dion identifies as a modern-day witch (more on that here). For the business card’s back side, I used those witchy leanings as inspiration, and dived into a tarot card’s backside-like aesthetic. I tried keeping the pleasure-filled body and sex toys presented as gender-neutral as possible, owing to the fact that Dion works with people of all genders, and their target audience is first and foremost the queer and trans* community.
We're currently in early stages of work on a website redesign. This is a sneak preview.